The Real Superman

The Real Superman

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ian's New Talents

Ian's fingernails are growing like crazy!! We keep cutting them, but they always seem to have some mystery dirt under them. He can't really touch anything except his face, which he grabs all the time, but it still looks like he was playing in the dirt. A child's hands are a definite mystery, they have so many creases and rolls in them that they are able to store treasures from days ago in there. I clean them daily, but there still seems to be something interesting between his fingers and underneath his nails every time I check. His communication has definitely improved to the point of making sure he is the center of attention at all time, not that he wasn't talented at this since he either lets out a yell or a cough to let you know he is still in the room and why aren't you talking to him. This works even if the three of us, Roosevelt, Ian and I are all in his room and I simply talk about something other than Ian while I am holding him...talent. Also, you know how kids cover their eyes while playing hide and seek and think you can't see them simply because they can't see you? Well, this works with a bottle as well. When Ian is eating he will stop sucking for a split second and begin wailing, saying, "Where is my bottle and why isn't it in my mouth? Feed me!!!!!!!" When I remind him that if he just sucks on the bottle that is already in his mouth, then he is okay...He is calling me from the other room with a cough...speak of the angels!!

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