The Real Superman

The Real Superman

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Power of the Pacifier

Ian is beginning to share all of his beautiful abilities to create sound. We think he is not only going to be a singer, but a very animated one. He sure has mastered the art of verbal communication and we are finding ways to calm him down. The nurses in the NICU told us to remember the 5 S's: shushing, swaying, singing, swaddling and sucking. The last one works and so does bouncing, as for the others we have to get a bit creative. My newest is holding him a few inches from my body and swaying him around, he is so amazed that he is flying that he stops crying and looks around like, "Wow! This is so cool!" So, that works well and so does the pacifier. The hard part about that is keeping it in his mouth. I'm sure they have come up with some sort of gadget to keep it in their mouth, but I haven't seen it yet. If not, I think I'll create my own. Holding Ian is good, but not good enough. Once he learned how to express himself and let us know that he wanted to be held he was fine as soon as he was in your arms, now it's a bit of a different story. He likes to be held, but be moving at the same time. Now I hold him and walk all around the house and out on the deck and back inside and around the house and back on the deck and back inside, so you see how that goes over and over again. It is good to get up and move around now! I think this is only the beginning of him showing us just how active he is going to be, which is a good thing. He will keep Mommy and Daddy busy!!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm sounds very familiar (typing this as Skylar is jumping off the couch onto a pile of pillows) You better get used to all the gets bigger as they do ;) xoxox
