The Real Superman

The Real Superman

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ian is moving mountains!!

So, we met a dad and son at the eye doctor and their son was born at 26 weeks as well. His mom created a website for their son and it inspired me to do the same to share our story with friends, family and other parents of premature babies. We feel for you. Keep on trucking and pray everyday. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. As for friends and family, thank you for being so understanding and supportive, we couldn't have done it without you. XOXO

As for our son Ian, he has been moving those mountains one day at a time since his was in Room 2 in the NICU at Meriter Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin. Little did I know as a college freshman at Madison that one day I would be birthing my first child just a few blocks away...very cool I must say and so is that Little Man Roosevelt and I have created. He has quite the personality...since the moment he was born, actually since the first kick I knew he was something more than special and I would have a very big job to take care of this boy and raise him into a man. They journey is only beginning, but I have grown sooooooooooo much throughout all of this. My heart is actually a few sizes larger and my soul is much, much deeper and my God is even bigger and more present than ever before.  He has truly CHANGED my entire world and how I view the rest of the world. It's amazing what a little child can do, bring you and many others closer to God.

So, this is the beginning of a very, very long journey and we will be here every step of the way.

Mommy Lindsay and the Porto Boys: Baby Ian and Daddy Roosevelt

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